API Request/Call
This document will guide you on how to interact with the system, make requests, and retrieve information such as datasets, tags, and vocabulary details. The functionalities described here are largely adapted from the CKAN API Guide.
Base URL:
All API requests are sent as HTTP GET requests, and the responses are returned in JSON format.
Response Format:
- Successful response:
json { "success": true, "result": { // response data } }
- Error response:
json { "success": false, "error": { "message": "Error message here", "code": 400 } }
Make sure to handle the response by checking the success
flag in your application logic.
Endpoints and Examples
- Package List
- Description: Retrieve a list of all datasets in the catalog.
- Endpoint:
Method: GET
Example Usage:
bash curl https://ugos.info/api/3/action/package_list
Example Response:
json { "success": true, "result": [ "dataset_1", "dataset_2", "dataset_3" ] }
- Source List
- Description: Retrieve a list of all available sources.
- Endpoint:
Method: GET
Example Usage:
bash curl https://ugos.info/api/3/action/group_list
Example Response:
json { "success": true, "result": [ "source_1", "source_2", "source_3" ] }
- Organization List
- Description: Retrieve a list of all available organizations.
- Endpoint:
Method: GET
Example Usage:
bash curl https://ugos.info/api/3/action/organization_list
Example Response:
json { "success": true, "result": [ "organization_1", "organization_2", "organization_3" ] }
- Tag List
- Description: Retrieve a list of all available tags.
- Endpoint:
Method: GET
Example Usage:
bash curl https://ugos.info/api/3/action/tag_list
Example Response:
json { "success": true, "result": [ "pressure", "ocean", "wind" ] }
- Display Package Details
- Description: Retrieve complete details of a specific dataset.
- Endpoint:
Method: GET
Example Usage:
bash curl https://ugos.info/api/3/action/package_show?id=argo-float-wmo-4903232
Example Response:
json { "help": "https://ugos.info/api/3/action/help_show?name=package_show", "success": true, "result": { "author": "Heather H Furey", "creator_user_id": "10b8a05d-e99f-4946-b06f-50d3b692a7d6", "id": "4578fe71-bdba-4e9a-9c50-60d0d3591f6a", // additional dataset details } }
- Display Tag Details
- Description: Retrieve details about a specific tag.
- Endpoint:
Method: GET
Example Usage:
bash curl https://ugos.info/api/3/action/tag_show?id=shell
Example Response:
json { "help": "https://ugos.info/api/3/action/help_show?name=tag_show", "success": true, "result": { "id": "8f5f0a5f-371f-45d6-a812-f2d8083691f6", "name": "shell", "vocabulary_id": null, "display_name": "shell" } }
- Display Source Details
- Description: Retrieve details about a specific source.
- Endpoint:
Method: GET
Example Usage:
bash curl https://ugos.info/api/3/action/group_show?id=adcp
Example Response:
json { "help": "https://ugos.info/api/3/action/help_show?name=group_show", "success": true, "result": { "approval_status": "approved", "created": "2024-06-25T22:15:10.838752", // additional details } }
- Display Organization Details
- Description: Retrieve details about a specific organization.
- Endpoint:
Method: GET
Example Usage:
bash curl https://ugos.info/api/3/action/organization_show?id=atp-oil-and-gas-corporation
Example Response:
json { "help": "https://ugos.info/api/3/action/help_show?name=organization_show", "success": true, "result": { "approval_status": "approved", "created": "2024-08-02T20:29:54.700280", // additional details } }
- Search datasets by Tags
- Description: Search for datasets related to a specific tag.
- Endpoint:
Method: GET
Example Usage:
bash curl https://ugos.info/api/3/action/package_search?q=tags:ocean
Example Response:
json { "success": true, "result": { "count": 8, "facets": { // additional details } } }
- Top 10 Tags
- Description: Retrieve the top 10 tags used by datasets in the catalog.
- Endpoint:
Method: GET
Example Usage:
bash curl 'https://ugos.info/api/3/action/package_search?facet.field=["tags"]&facet.limit=10&rows=0'
Example Response:
json { "success": true, "result": { "count": 0, "facets": { "tags": { "ocean": 12, "wind": 8, "pressure": 5 } } } }
- Top 10 tags and vocabulary tags used by datasets
- Description: Retrieve top 10 tags and vocabulary tags used by datasets
- Endpoint:
Method: GET
Example Usage:
bash curl 'https://ugos.info/api/action/package_search?facet.field=[%22tags%22]&facet.limit=10&rows=0'
Example Response:
json { "success": true, "result": { "count": 0, "facets": { "tags": { "ocean": 12, "wind": 8, "pressure": 5 } } } }
- Datasets (packages) of a source
- Description: Return the datasets (packages) of a source
- Endpoint:
Method: GET
Example Usage:
bash curl 'https://ugos.info/api/3/action/group_package_show?id=adcp'
Example Response:
json { "help": "https://ugos.info/api/3/action/help_show?name=group_package_show", "success": true, "result": [ { "author": null, "author_email": null, "creator_user_id": "57d270c7-b8bd-45f0-84f9-e5512d89ed79", "id": "1b951b30-e020-4018-958f-c8cab40d39aa", "isopen": true, } ] }