The Understanding Gulf Ocean Systems (UGOS) initiative is part of the National Academies, Gulf Research Program (GRP) focused on improving the skill of sustained continuous operational forecasts and associated physical understanding of ocean dynamics for the reduction of risks in offshore energy exploration and production in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) where deep-water drilling and production occur and/or anticipated. UGOS stemmed from the 2018 NASEM consensus study Understanding and Predicting the GoM Loop Current. Since 2018, UGOS has supported research on ocean observations and modeling in the GoM to improve understanding and forecasting of the Loop Current dynamics.
The UGOS Data Catalog (https://ugos.info) was designed to support hydrodynamic modeling in the Gulf of Mexico by providing a direct link to data sources frequently used in developing and evaluating models. The data identified in this catalog are information scientists and researchers provided. The catalog includes various datasets collected through research initiatives, observational platforms, and modeling efforts. Each dataset is accompanied by metadata such as titles, descriptions, keywords, and direct data access links. The UGOS Data Catalog harvesting process automatically collects and updates metadata from various oceanographic data related to the Gulf of Mexico whenever possible. The process ensures that the catalog is continually updated with the latest datasets and corresponding metadata.
Although the system was designed to be friendly and easy to use, the following are manuals that some users may find useful:
- Quick User Guide: This manual is designed as a quick guide on how to use the data catalog
- Guide for Data Providers: This manual was drafted to help guide the process of adding or modifying data in the data catalog
- Advanced Application: This manual is to guide users who want to establish machine-to-machine communications with eth UGOS data portal via API calls.
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