BSEE/NTL ADCP data for ioos:station:wmo:42874 (2020-02)
ADCP data for ioos:station:wmo:42874 (Deepwater Asgard RigADCP GC 0287) for the period 2020/02, served via the Gulf of America Coastal Observing System (GCOOS) Data Portal. -
BSEE/NTL ADCP data for ioos:station:wmo:42874 (2020-01)
ADCP data for ioos:station:wmo:42874 (Deepwater Asgard RigADCP GC 0287) for the period 2020/01, served via the Gulf of America Coastal Observing System (GCOOS) Data Portal. -
BSEE/NTL ADCP data for ioos:station:wmo:42401 (2020-10)
ADCP data for ioos:station:wmo:42401 (Deepwater Asgard RigADCP GC 0287) for the period 2020/10, served via the Gulf of America Coastal Observing System (GCOOS) Data Portal. -
BSEE/NTL ADCP data for ioos:station:wmo:42401 (2020-09)
ADCP data for ioos:station:wmo:42401 (Deepwater Asgard RigADCP GC 0287) for the period 2020/09, served via the Gulf of America Coastal Observing System (GCOOS) Data Portal. -
BSEE/NTL ADCP data for ioos:station:wmo:42401 (2020-08)
ADCP data for ioos:station:wmo:42401 (Deepwater Asgard RigADCP GC 0287) for the period 2020/08, served via the Gulf of America Coastal Observing System (GCOOS) Data Portal. -
BSEE/NTL ADCP data for ioos:station:wmo:42401 (2020-07)
ADCP data for ioos:station:wmo:42401 (Deepwater Asgard RigADCP GC 0287) for the period 2020/07, served via the Gulf of America Coastal Observing System (GCOOS) Data Portal. -
BSEE/NTL ADCP data for ioos:station:wmo:42401 (2020-06)
ADCP data for ioos:station:wmo:42401 (Deepwater Asgard RigADCP GC 0287) for the period 2020/06, served via the Gulf of America Coastal Observing System (GCOOS) Data Portal. -
BSEE/NTL ADCP data for ioos:station:wmo:42401 (2020-05)
ADCP data for ioos:station:wmo:42401 (Deepwater Asgard RigADCP GC 0287) for the period 2020/05, served via the Gulf of America Coastal Observing System (GCOOS) Data Portal. -
BSEE/NTL ADCP data for ioos:station:wmo:42401 (2020-04)
ADCP data for ioos:station:wmo:42401 (Deepwater Asgard RigADCP GC 0287) for the period 2020/04, served via the Gulf of America Coastal Observing System (GCOOS) Data Portal. -
BSEE/NTL ADCP data for ioos:station:wmo:42401 (2020-03)
ADCP data for ioos:station:wmo:42401 (Deepwater Asgard RigADCP GC 0287) for the period 2020/03, served via the Gulf of America Coastal Observing System (GCOOS) Data Portal. -
BSEE/NTL ADCP data for ioos:station:wmo:42401 (2020-02)
ADCP data for ioos:station:wmo:42401 (Deepwater Asgard RigADCP GC 0287) for the period 2020/02, served via the Gulf of America Coastal Observing System (GCOOS) Data Portal. -
BSEE/NTL ADCP data for ioos:station:wmo:42401 (2020-01)
ADCP data for ioos:station:wmo:42401 (Deepwater Asgard RigADCP GC 0287) for the period 2020/01, served via the Gulf of America Coastal Observing System (GCOOS) Data Portal. -
Gulf of Mexico Currents CICESE Mooring Y1 CICESE YUCATAN MOORING YUC1 1000...
ADCP data from CICESE Yucatan Mooring YUC1, served via the Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System (GCOOS) Data Portal -
FAST Eddy Sys 5 Transect 8, 75kHz kHz VMADCP (2018-03-04 to 2018-03-13)
This dataset contains vessel-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements collected from 2009 to 2020 near the Loop Current and drilling blocks in the Gulf of... -
FAST Eddy Sys 5 Transect 7, 75kHz kHz VMADCP (2018-03-04 to 2018-03-13)
This dataset contains vessel-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements collected from 2009 to 2020 near the Loop Current and drilling blocks in the Gulf of... -
FAST Eddy Sys 5 Transect 6, 75kHz kHz VMADCP (2018-03-04 to 2018-03-13)
This dataset contains vessel-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements collected from 2009 to 2020 near the Loop Current and drilling blocks in the Gulf of... -
FAST Eddy Sys 5 Transect 5, 75kHz kHz VMADCP (2018-03-04 to 2018-03-13)
This dataset contains vessel-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements collected from 2009 to 2020 near the Loop Current and drilling blocks in the Gulf of... -
FAST Eddy Sys 5 Transect 4, 75kHz kHz VMADCP (2018-03-04 to 2018-03-13)
This dataset contains vessel-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements collected from 2009 to 2020 near the Loop Current and drilling blocks in the Gulf of... -
FAST Eddy Sys 5 Transect 3, 75kHz kHz VMADCP (2018-03-04 to 2018-03-13)
This dataset contains vessel-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements collected from 2009 to 2020 near the Loop Current and drilling blocks in the Gulf of... -
FAST Eddy Sys 5 Transect 2, 75kHz kHz VMADCP (2018-03-04 to 2018-03-13)
This dataset contains vessel-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measurements collected from 2009 to 2020 near the Loop Current and drilling blocks in the Gulf of...